Every parent is aware that math skills is essential for their children's future. Math will assist in all aspects of life. If Math is educated in incorrect way, children could possibly get bored easily. Listed below are top 5 best tips to teach kids Math effectively.
Article Source: EzineArticles
1- Before teaching Math, be sure they are taught formal logic first. They should be able to think in a logical way using words and real-world situations before it can be applied to abstract concepts like numbers. Failing in this initial step causes kids hard to understand Math, and soon makes them hate Math. They should be taught on how to THINK first.
2- When thinking about the best ways to teach math to kids, age is an important element to consider first. Make sure your teaching module is appropriate for the kids' age. Toddlers and preschoolers should learn the basic meaning of numbers, means to count things. Early elementary school should concentrate on arithmetic, understanding addition and multiplication tables for single digit numbers. Once they can master these, then move on to algebra, geometry, fractions, decimals, set theory, even calculus, and if possible, introduce the so-called advanced topics as early as possible. At the early stage of teaching advance Math, they just have to see it, they don't have to understand it. The results will be seen later on, they will easily absorb and understand of topics when they are covered in grades 6-12.
3- Use something in which they can relate to. Try to make it simple yet fun. Also be practical to make them easy to understand. For example, to teach addition or subtraction, use countable food they used to eat. To teach division or fractions use cake.
4- Create fun and cool Math games for kids. Printable Math board games, card games, print and play game worksheets can be found on the internet.
5- Since Math needs a lot of recall skills, having a good memory will be a big advantage on our kids. Improve your kid's memory by providing him/her number exercises on mental addition or multiplication, recalling dates for instance birthdays or anniversaries or dates for special occasions and making connections to other events that happened or will happen on a particular date. Working out your kid's memory will truly be an asset at a later time when he has to memorize rules, formula, methods or procedures in resolving mathematical problems or equations.
Teaching Math to kids should always be fun, make sure your kids don't feel stress when learning Math. Cool Math games for kids can make your kids enjoy learning Math. Visit [http://www.coolmathgamesforkids.info] for more than 450 pages jam packed with printable Math games which can be accessed directly from your computer.
Article Source: EzineArticles