Democratic Parenting Style - Why is it Better?

Democratic Parenting Style
There are no hard and fast rules of how you should discipline your child. Though parenting skills are equipped with all parents automatically, the level of the effectiveness varies according to the parenting styles applied by the parents.
There are many books and classes about parenting style and which method to follow. Authoritarian, permissive, and democratic are the three main types.
Authoritarian is considered to be a very strict way of disciplining. Parents are always right. Parents have full control over children.
Permissive parenting style is the total opposite of authoritarian parenting style. The control lies with the children. No rules and regulations to follow. Children are free to do anything they want.
If authoritarian is considered to be black and permissive is white, then democratic is gray. Democratic parenting style is actually the combination of both styles joined together.
So why is gray better than white or black?
This style of parenting involves a lot of communication and mutual understanding from both partners. There are rules and regulations which your child has to follow but you do listen and let them speak their minds. When you tell them wrong, be sure to give them the reason of why it is wrong and unacceptable.
If there is going to be punishment involved, make sure they know why. This type of parenting brings everyone together. You are giving your children respect and they will reciprocate. You together with your child will be able to handle conflicts in a better way. If they are right and you are wrong - say sorry. It is alright for parents to be wrong sometimes.
Your children will learn to think by themselves while being monitored by parents. You are not limiting their creativity, mind, thoughts and passions in any way. You are simply guiding them. They will learn to become dependent within the boundaries that you have set for them.
These rules and regulations should be flexible when needed to be. For instance, as your child grows and faces new experiences and situations in life, your disciplining method changes but the core of it remains.
One other thing I learned about the democratic style is there is lots of love and affection involved. You are constantly bonding with your child. Besides the fact that your child is going to grow up to be a well-behaved adult with good attitude, your child will be close to you and will think of you positively. The best part is your child will consider you to be on his side and will be one of the first, if not first, person he thinks of when he faces challenges in life.
From my experience, I feel that the democratic parenting style is the best way to go when raising your child. You are your child's role model. How you want your child to be depends entirely on you. The effective parenting techniques are purely the that will help you find the right way of disciplining your child and the parenting style that suits you.

Article Source: EzineArticles