Interesting Facts About 3D Ultrasound Niceville FL Facilities Offer Expectant Parents

By Kenya Campos

At one time, the only "pictures" of one's unborn baby available were the gray, fuzzy sonogram prints from standard two-dimensional ultrasounds. Parents today have much better options however, that allow them to take home beautiful images that are clearly recognizable as a baby, sometimes they are even presented with a DVD of the scan. This is made possible through 3D ultrasound Niceville FL facilities offer to expecting parents.

Ultrasound technology involves introducing sound waves into the body from a device called a transducer that is moved across the mother's belly, as the sound waves are transmitted back, it produces an image of the fetus on a screen. In traditional 2D scans, only one angle is used in imaging, whereas in 3D scans, multiple angles are used due to more advanced software, the result is a highly detailed image. In a 4D scan, it's also possible to watch the baby's actions in real time.

In use as an obstetrical diagnostic tool for over thirty years, ultrasound does not have any harmful side effects associated with its use. Safety of patients is ensured by FDA regulations which dictate the appropriate power level and standards equipment must meet. A 3D scan also uses the same level of power as those which are 2D.

The ideal time for expectant parents to book a 3D scan is between 26 and 32 weeks. Beginning at about 25 weeks it is possible to capture some quality images of the baby, and some parents will elect to attend more than one ultrasound session so they can get a better picture of the baby's progress and see the changes in him or her with each successive scan.

It is important to understand that these scans are entirely optional and are by no means meant to replace standard 2D ultrasounds that will likely be ordered by one's obstetrician. They are performed at the request of the parents solely for the purpose of enabling them to enjoy a "sneak peek" of their baby, not for diagnostic purposes. Ultrasound technicians can only discuss basic information with parents such as the position, gender, and number of babies in the womb.

Due to the growing popularity of these detailed "sneak previews", the choice of facilities offering these services is also rapidly expanding. As with anything, doing some comparative shopping beforehand is a good idea, parents should confirm that the staff at the facility is suitably trained and experienced and it also helps to get some reviews from other patients.

The clarity of the sonogram images depend on certain factors, in particular the position the baby is in, and how far along the pregnancy is at the time. The main reason why the 26 and 32 week time frame is recommended is because there is still sufficient space in the womb at this stage, which makes it less likely that the placenta or umbilical cord will obstruct the view, and also because the baby gains more facial fat, making its features easier to make out.

Expectant mothers are often told to drink plenty of fluids before the ultrasound. The reason for this being that increased liquids will elevate the level of amniotic fluid, which in turn helps to produce better images from the scan. Besides this, it's also important for a healthy pregnancy.

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