Learn Some Of The Main Causes Of Infertility In Most Individuals

By Beatrice Rasmussen

There are various ways of explaining what infertility is from different books and scientific approach. However, the commonest definition is the inability to cause conception or failure to produce viable sperms by males. This situation does not give people joy since they may live without children and only adopt from children homes or friends. It may also apply to women who conceive, but lack the ability to carry the pregnancy to the final term.

It is good to know the risk factors that lead to barrenness. This may help you know the best solutions to take at early stages. One of the risk factors is the age. Under normal circumstances, the fertility of most women begins to fall or reduce when they reach to the age of 32. This progresses as they proceed in age and eventually get to the age where they cannot remain fertile any longer.

Some of the behaviors you develop would largely affect your reproductive life and ruin it completely. Do not be happy when you cannot go for a day without smoking. The smoke you take in your body cannot only ruin your lungs, but also affect your reproductive health. You should avoid smoking if you are pregnant since the smoke may end up harming the growing unborn child.

People are trying many things and activities to keep fit and maintain the shape their bodies. They even hire personal trainers to advise them on the best physical activities to engage. You should not involve yourself to strenuous exercises especially if you are a woman. This would not work well for some of your reproductive organs such as fallopian tubes. This later affects your ovulation and lead to sterility.

Many people do not see as if sexually transmitted diseases could adversely affect their reproductive lives. The truth is that STD s is severe and may quickly ruin your reproductive systems and lead to barrenness. This is serious especially when you get infected by microorganisms like Chlamydia. This stubborn organism leads to the inflammation of testes and destruction of fallopian tubes.

It is important to avoid often exposure various chemicals since they ruin your reproductive system and its fertility. Metals such as lead and mercury may not be good for your reproductive health. Avoid skin products that may contain these products and metal compounds since they are harmful. Moreover, be keen to avoid hazardous solvents, herbicides, and pesticides. They are linked to being among the external factors that lead to barrenness to both women and men.

Few people know that mental stress could largely affect their reproductive lifestyle and health. It is good to avoid stress and depression of any kind if you are to remain fertile. This is common especially in women since it affects their ovulation stages. Furthermore, stress also affects the sperm production in males leading to low sperm count. Stress also reduces your desire to have frequent copulation and reduces chances of conception.

You should avoid any instance that would lead to formation of scars on the walls of your ovaries. Scars develop when you have wounds on the ovaries after surgical procedures. In most cases, women go for ovary surgical processes when they have cysts in their ovaries. Eventually, ovaries with scars prevent maturation of follicles and lead to infertility.

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