How To Teach Children Love And Respect For Animals

How To Teach Children Love And Respect For Animals

Just by teaching children to love and respect animals, you will be well on your way to teaching them to love and respect humans as well. Not only do you teach them to refrain from violence directed toward their feathered, finned and furry friends, you are teaching them to refrain from violence toward their two-legged friends as well. When children learn to deal out justice, mercy and kindness to animals, they are learning how to be just with all living beings. The result is that your kids will become men and women with a higher level of compassion, they will be more willing to obey laws, and they will be sympathetic of the plights of others.
One of the most primitive means of learning begins in childhood where children imitate the behaviors of others, primarily their parents. By demonstrating love and respect for animals, you will be effectively teaching your kids to show the same feeling toward all species. You should consider doing some simple things to help your kids to learn to show compassion, love and respect for everyone, including their pets and other animals.
It is simple enough to incorporate the concepts of respect and kindness into your children's lives each day. Once they are instilled, it is easy enough for them to transfer these considerations to the animals around them.
To begin with, start listening to how you treat your pets. Are you prone to yelling "shut up" when the dog barks, or "stupid dog" when they have an accident? If so, you may want to reconsider how you react for the sake of your children.
Nothing is gained by striking animals, so why resort to these tactics. If you do, you will be demonstrating disrespectful behavior to your kids.
Show your kids how much you value your pets by ensuring that they all wear name and ID tags. That way, if they get lost there will be a greater chance that they will be returned to you. Also, show the same patience with your pets as you should be showing your kids. Make sure to take them for regular visits to their veterinarian, and have them neutered to prevent them from having unwanted litters. Have the kids help you provide them with fresh water and food.
Whether they are living inside or out, spend lots of time with your animals. Take them for walks, play with them and brush them each day.
Never speak demeaning words about animals in front of your children. Doing so will affect the way they feel about them as well. Refrain from bringing video games or books and other influential material into your home that demeans them.
While demonstrating to your children proper treatment of animals, they will be learning from you how to love and respect animals.