As a relationship author and parent educator, I am often asked to speak about many topics concerning families. It is such a treat to see parents taking responsibility for raising kids that are kind, thoughtful, creative and respectful of all. When I see parents and teachers working together in partnership, I know the child will be successful.
Teachers Enhance What Parents Have Taught
Parents, child care providers and extended families have few responsibilities more important or more rewarding than helping children to learn. The love of learning is a pattern that is established in early years and then enhanced as the child and subject matter grows. As a parent, you are your child's first and best teacher Children learn what is modeled and appreciated by the adults in their life.
No Need To Be A Teacher To Teach
Many parents tell me that they don't feel qualified to teach their children. I disagree. The best education is an ongoing endeavor and you and your child can learn together. Use your daily activities to informally teach your children about reading, math, geography, and science as well as to be an observant part of the world around us. There is a huge connection between academic knowledge and the skills you use and share every day at home and work.
Children Are Naturally Curious
During their pre-school years the child's brain is developing at an amazing speed. Even though your daily activities may seem boring to you, to your child they provide a wide view into the world around them. The most important things you can do to assist your child's brain to expand is to read, sing and talk to them every opportunity you have.
When they are able to connect words and language to daily experiences, they are more apt to seek out even more and exciting information. When you read to your child, they almost automatically learn about written language, tone of voice, facial expressions and that reading is a fun thing to do. Show them the shapes of letters and help her find her initials in the book or newspaper.
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